An unforgettable, unique comedy show on the road...a slapstick journey of adventure with SANTA, alias Comedian, Don Murchison! one of the most unique and photographed cars in Australia...Its a work of art! The "Chookmobile" is a Subaru car, also known as the "SubaRooster!"... During the journey, or rather Act, your M.D. or a colleague will be thoroughly entertained...perhaps even mildly embarrassed!
The journey includes a specially prepared Comedy Script about the occasion. He / she is also dusted down with a chook feather duster, has her / his hands washed from a water nozzel at the back of the chook (the chook has a water tank), and hair combed with an oversized comb. Photo opportunities are included.
The total cost of the act is $875 for Corporate Gigs + travelling expenses.
The cost for Private Gigs is $525 + travelling time.
Prices might increase during the year, but bookings already confirmed will obviously be honoured at these prices.
No booking is confirmed until we receive a non-refundable deposit. Until we receive the deposit, we are not obligated to accept your booking & at our discretion may accept another booking should another deposit arrive earlier.
Deposits can be paid by cash, cheque, deposited directly into our bank account personally, by telegraphic transfer or 3rd party transfer via internet banking. We do not accept credit cards.
The cost includes Script Writing, Comedian & Dancer [if relevant for this act]. Other charges may apply [see below.]
When you verbally [or via email] confirm your booking with us, we will fax you a CONFIRMATION & QUESTIONNAIRE FORM. You complete & fax this back to us. It becomes the brief to write the script.
The final payment is due just PRIOR to the performance, either by cash or bank cheque. Personal cheques are accepted, but must be paid at least a week in advance of the booking to allow for clearance.
Where we organise a Package with a Cruise Boat, Comical Catering or other performers are involved, the final payment is due at least 14 days PRIOR to the performance.
Travelling time is additional and added to the fee. When you let us know the location & time, we will confirm the travelling time. e.g. Offpeak to the city is $20, Offpeak to Parramatta is $35, Offpeak to Bondi Beach is $35, Offpeak to Chatswood is $10.
Relevant Harbour Bridge, Tunnel & Road Tolls are additional.
* Usual SHORT NOTICE CHARGE to prepare script -
..................Only 3 or 4 office days - extra $25.
..................1 - 2 office days - extra $50.
..................SAME DAY - (or less than 8 office hours notice) - extra $75.
An additional charge, usually of $25 applies for bookings made outside Sydney, when interstate, international or mobile phone charges apply.
..................Xmas & New Year's Eve - minimum $250, depending on act.
..................Good Friday to Easter Mon. - extra $150.
..................Most other Public Holidays or Public Holiday Weekends - $100.
..................If Public Holiday falls on Fri., Sat., Sun. - $125. [other than Easter & Xmas.]
* COMEDIAN also DANCES with recipient - can teach Ceroc steps - $75.
* BOOKINGS between 10pm - Midnight, & 8am -10am - additional $100.
* BOOKINGS between Midnight - 8am - additional $200.
* BOOKINGS between 5 - 7 pm , Monday to Friday, except public holidays, when not affected by peak hour driving. - additional $50. This may not apply for Local Bookings.
* 'SILLY SEASON' BOOKINGS, 10th November - 9th January -
..................Saturday & Sunday Daytime - extra $75.
..................Thurs. Night - $75.
..................Fri. & Sat. Nights - $100.
..................Mon., Tues., Wed. (day & night), Thur., Fri. (day) - $50.
* 'Silly Season' Short Notice charge -
..................less than 3 office days - $100.
..................Only 4 - 5 office days - $50.
..................SAME DAY or less than 8 office hours notice - extra $150.
* The price allows for a half hour Starting Time Range. [This is to allow for potential delays in traffic or holdups if performing more than one gig.] If you want the show to start at a precise time, ie. a GUARANTEED STARTING TIME, this is an additional charge of $150. In this instance, if we are more than five minutes late starting, there is no additional charge of $150.
* If a female dancer is included, as part of a duet act [e.g. Cake Act, Surprise Retirement Parcel, or the Santa Comedy & Dance Act], occasionally, especially if short notice, we may not be able to book a dancer from our normal pool of talent. If this happens & we have to subcontract through an outside dance agency, the price may increase to reflect the extra dancer fee component of the act.
* OUT OF TOWN GIGS - extra $50 - $750, depending on inconvenience & extent it restricts number of gigs performed on day / night.
* TWO /three / ...?... PERSON SCRIPT - (When script is written for 2 or more people.) - $50 per extra person. [Each person receives a copy of the script & is included in the script. For more people, the script & performance time may be longer.]
The Jungle Chalet,
Valleyview Glen,
Cnr Valleyview Cres. & Innes Rd,
SYDNEY, NSW, 2065.
Phone: | 61 - 2 - 9906 2350. (9am - 6pm, Monday - Friday. Answer phone after hours.) |
Mobile: | n/a. (en route to gigs.) |
Facsimile: | 61 - 2 - 9439 2319. (24 hours, 365 days p.a.) |
This page was last amended 8.2.2005.