for the event you'll never forget...

Each package includes appropriate costumes, with comical waiters & waitresses changing costumes approximately every half hour, unless specified otherwise. The Anorexic Santa & Ms Mary Christmas Comedy & Dance Act is also featured in each package.
Packages also include the cost of kitchen staff, function co-ordination, production and administration. The package cost does not vary according to the number of guests.

Cocktail food is the only additional expense. This is based on a per head basis. You work out your numbers and you can calculate the exact cost. We offer a choice of 4 fabulous Menus: BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD or PLATINUM.......Generous servings!

YOU CAN BOOK PACKAGES WITH 2, 3, 4 or 6 CRAZY COSTUMED CHARACTERS. Obviously the less comedians, the cheaper the package. For larger functions we can compile a package especially for you, with more than 6 comedians. (Just email us below.) PLEASE CLICK ON THE NUMBER OF COMEDIANS YOU WOULD LIKE AS COMICAL WAITERS & WAITRESSES.

MANY FUNCTIONS - conferences, sales meetings, incentives programs, etc... ARE HELD AT FUNCTIONS CENTRES, WHERE CATERING IS ARRANGED BY THE VENUE. ON THESE OCCASIONS WE CAN OFFER YOU THE PACKAGES WITHOUT FOOD OR CATERING / KITCHEN STAFF. (The venue's caterers then supply their food on trays for us to serve during our performance.) PLEASE CLICK BELOW ON THE NUMBER OF COMEDIANS YOU WOULD LIKE AS COMICAL WAITERS & WAITRESSES. (Please email us below if you have a larger function & require more than 6 comedians.)